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The FreshChoice Lake Dunstan Trail Marathon

42.2km trail run from historic Clyde to Cromwell Heritage Precinct on the epic Lake Dunstan Trail

Lake Dunstan Marathon

Lake Dunstan Trail
Will Nelson

“This is just such an interesting course with a wonderful diversity of environments to run through and over”, said Terry.

“We've got tunnels (well, a highway underpass), footpaths, greenways and historic streets through Clyde, across the top of the Clyde Hydro Dam (which is typically closed to public), and flat, smooth sections of cycle trail right beside the lake. There are some long, gentle hills and undulations through rocky mountains, the awesome Hugo swing bridge, the epic cliff mounted boardwalks... then through Carrick Vineyard and the beautiful Bannockburn Inlet before finishing in the quaint Cromwell Heritage Precinct. I can't think of another course with such diversity”, he said.

Terry describes the course, which is largely off-road, as a real 'runners' race. He reckons its ideally suited to road runners who enjoy a well-formed trail and trail runners who appreciate not having to carry a backpack or climb any monster hills. (Monster hills being one of Terry’s trademarks in his other events such as the Mount Difficulty Ascent).

Despite no monsters per se, Terry believes that it’s a 'good honest course' and he doesn’t expect to see any personal best marathon times set. “I expect the winners to come in around 2hrs 40mins or so, the majority between 4.5hours to 6hours and then a few bringing up the rear around the 7hour - 8hour time slot. We have a 7am start option for those keen to walk it”, he said.

Terry Davis, Race Director, describes the Lake Dunstan Trail Marathon as a "good honest course"!

Janeen Wood, chief executive of Southern Lakes Trails which built and maintains the Lake Dunstan Trail said that “Terry and others have approached us about events over the past 5 years since the trail began construction, but we have declined them all due to the high numbers of trail users”.

“However, we identified that the right event would be a great way to help fundraise for essential trail maintenance, and $40 from every race entry fee will be contributed to maintenance on the Lake Dunstan Trail”.

“This is such an awesome course, and I am so appreciative to all those who helped make the trail a reality that I’m thrilled to pass on $40 per participant specifically for trail maintenance”, said Terry.

In fact, over $100 per entry goes directly to local not-for-profit community groups and to support local projects as well as trail maintenance. “I really want this event to benefit both the Cromwell and the Clyde communities so we will be using clubs and groups from both towns to fill the service requirements and support their fundraising”, he said.

Southern Lakes Trails has initially agreed to the marathon as a one-off event but if successful will consider running it as an annual event.

“After discussing with our Official Partners, we devised a set of criteria that an event would have to meet to ensure minimal disruption for our regular trail users”, said Janeen. 

“Running causes minimal disturbance to the trail surface”, explained Janeen, “and hosting the marathon in the off-season (September) and early in the morning will help minimise impact on other trail users”.

Janeen points out that the Lake Dunstan Trail will not be closed for the marathon but that there is a robust safety management plan for the event and the Official Partners (predominately bike hire businesses) are already aware and supportive of the marathon.  

To minimise waste there will be no cups at the aid stations, but competitors will be provided with their own reusable, collapsable silicone cup as part of the race pack.

Registrations for the the FreshChoice Lake Dunstan Trail Marathon are now open. Click here to find out more or to register.

Enter the Lake Dunstan Marathon

$40 from every marathon entry will go towards trail maintenance.

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