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Sponsor a Plank!

Queenstown Trails blown away by Plank Sponsorship support

Queenstown Trails
Support a Plank Campaign

The construction of the new 90m suspension bridge spanning the Shotover River at Tucker Beach is currently underway, presenting an historic opportunity for trail supporters to contribute to a tangible piece of infrastructure, that forms part of the new Shotover Gorge Trail linking Arthurs point back to Frankton.

Planks cost $1500 to sponsor, and there are 110 planks available. Every generous sponsor will receive a sponsorship recognition package, including acknowledgement on the Plank Sponsors Recognition Plaque that will be installed at the start of the bridge.

Queenstown Trails CEO Mark “Willy” Willams says that the Trust is thrilled to be able to share the bridge sponsorship initiative: “Our prominent infrastructure (bridges, tunnels etc), are generally funded as a whole, but in addition to two major donors, the Kimi-ākau bridge has been a co-funded project from the start. In conjunction with the Trail Lovers fund raising campaign, we thought, what a neat way for the community to be involved in funding this stunning new bridge that will be an iconic destination on the trail.”

An artist's impression of the new bridge spanning the Shotover River at Tucker Beach.

The challenge was launched on Monday afternoon and was kicked off by long time loyal trail supporters Julian and Lizanne Knights, who sponsored five planks with a $7500 donation.

“We thought there might be a trail user or two who will be interested in sponsoring a plank on the bridge, but we have been utterly blown away by the level support we have received, with half of the planks being sponsored within the first 24 hours”.

Plank sponsorship is coming from all corners of the trail community, there are groups, like the Queenstown Pedallers, who are pooling their resources to sponsor planks, people are sponsoring planks on behalf of their family, for business recognition, in memory of a loved one or as a gift for their kids.

“It’s pretty incredible to think that those kids will get cross over this bridge for years to come and see their names as a part of something so meaningful to so many.”

You can sponsor a plank by clicking here or the button below, planks will be available until all 110 are sponsored. If a plank is above your budget, Queenstown Trails is gratefully accepting donations as part of the Trail Lovers Annual Appeal.

Sponsor a Queenstown Trails Plank

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